The Printstitute workshop lithography area is equipped with two 26x48 Takach Press Lithography Hand Presses, and a library of 90 lithographic stones ranging in size from 8x10 to 18x20, a full 7 X 3 stainless steel graining sink with 2 restaurant grade pre-washers, 3 12 face length Stones Leather Rollers manufactured in 2013, various Takach Press composition rollers ranging from 6 face lengths to 16 face length, Takach Press aluminum plate backers ranging from 18 x 25.5 to 25.5 x 36
All forms of lithographic printing from traditional stone lithography, ball grained aluminum plate and photo plate lithography are taught from a beginning to an intermediate level.
Fall and spring courses are 6 hours per week for 16 weeks and offer an additional 25 hours of staffed open studio Monday through Saturday. General storage and flat file storage is provided. Courses are a maximum of 20 enrolled students.